MedicPlus Health Clinic - Your trusted partner in occupational health


Every responsible employer must ensure the health and safety of their employees in today's world. Prioritising occupational healthcare is not only a legal requirement but also a moral one. MedicPlus Health Clinic is your partner for Occupational Health Services West Ealing. Located at the centre of West Ealing in London, MedicPlus Health Clinic provides a range of comprehensive services aimed at promoting a healthy workplace while prioritizing the welfare of employees.


Understanding Occupational Healthcare Services


The occupational health service includes a variety of healthcare and medical provisions that are tailored to the workplace. Our services at MedicPlus Health Clinic are tailored to meet the needs of every client. Our team of healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that enhance workplace health and well-being, whether you're running a small or large business.


Our Services in West Ealing


1.     Health Evaluations It is important to conduct regular health checks on employees in order to identify potential health hazards. Our clinic at West Ealing provides comprehensive health assessments that are tailored to the industry and your workforce. We offer pre-employment health screenings and executive health assessments to ensure your staff are fit for the job. This will reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and minimise absence.


2.     Surveillance of Health: Early detection is crucial in high-risk sectors like construction and manufacturing. The clinic has state-of-the-art equipment to perform thorough health surveillance. This includes lung function testing, hearing assessments and ergonomic evaluations.



3.     Ergonomics in the Workplace: Bad ergonomics may lead to muscular-skeletal disorders and reduced productivity. Our ergonomic experts at MedicPlus Health Clinic provide tailor-made solutions for workplace ergonomics to reduce the risk of injury and promote employee comfort.


4.     Support for Mental Health: The workplace is a place where mental health and physical health are equally important. Employees experiencing anxiety or depression can receive confidential mental health services and counselling at our clinic. Our clinic works closely with employers in order to create a work environment that prioritizes mental health.



5.     Health Promoting: Prevention beats cure. Our health-promotion programmes educate our employees on healthy lifestyles, such as diet, stress management, exercise and other factors. We empower your employees to be in control of their health through interactive workshops, seminars and other sessions.


Why choose MedicPlus Health Clinic?


1.     Experience: Our team is made up of skilled professionals who have years of occupational health experience. They are committed to providing high-quality healthcare services that meet your specific needs.


2.     Convenience Our clinic is located in West Ealing (London) and offers quick and convenient healthcare to both employees and employers.



3.     Personalised care: Because we understand that each workplace is different, our solutions are tailored to meet the needs of your business.


4.     Compliant: We adhere to all regulatory guidelines and standards and ensure that you and your employees are compliant.



Contact us Today


MedicPlus Health Clinic can help you to prioritize the health of your employees. Our clinic in West Ealing is your partner for occupational health. Call us at 02089974446 today to schedule an appointment and learn more about the services we offer. Let's work together to create a happier and healthier workplace for your staff.


In investing in occupational health benefits not only the employees but also the employers by fostering a positive work environment, improving productivity, and reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs. With MedicPlus Health Clinic by your side, you can rest assured that your workforce is in safe hands.


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